
च्याउ कस्तो खाने, कस्तो नखाने ?

A women showing poisonous mushrooms 
Amanita longistrata in Srinagar Hill, Palpa,
Western District, Nepal _10 people were 
died after eating this mushrooms in 
July 2005. Photo by: Shiva Devkota (2005)
Mushrooms poisoning is a serious problem in Nepal. Annually around 50 people are losing their life and hundreds of collectors are being poisoned. Undocumented poisoning cases are even higher. 

This article which was published in SADHANA HEALTH magazine (2009) on mushrooms poisoning, common methods of identifying poisonous mushrooms and some preventive and curative measures is somehow informative to prevent poisoning in present days context as well. 
A children collecting mushrooms (Lactarius thakalorum)
edible and locally praised at Lete village, Mustang,
 Nepal_Photo by Shiva Devkota (2005) 

More photographs related with the mushrooms poisoning in Nepal will be posted later.

If you want to know in details about wild mushrooms of Nepal, Ethnomycology, Domestication of wild mushrooms, Caterpillar mushrooms (Ophiocordyceps sinensis / Yarsagumba, Truffels and other aspects of mushrooms in Nepal Himalayas please feel free to contact me shivadevkota12@yahoo.com 

Rofp M s:tf] vfg], s:tf] gvfg]<
lzj b]jsf]6f

Local selling wild mushroomsTermitomyces sp in Bardiya,
Nearby Chisapani bridge, Western Nepal
Photo by: Shiva Devkota (2011)
Ramaria sp ready to cook_Collection from Sundarijal,
Nearby Kathmandu, Nepal
Photo by: Shiva Devkota (2007)
c;f/ kGw|sf] wfg/f]Kg] r6f/f]df h'6b} u/]sf] kfFry/ hLNnf n'Dkmfj'Ë uflj;sf] nfjtL] kl/jf/ oltv]/ 7'nf] zf]sdf 8'j]sf] 5 . c;f/ P3f/ ut] glhs}sf] h+Ënjf6 l6k]/ NofPsf] Rofp c1fgtfjz vfg x'g] ;Ddm]/ vfPkl5 kl/jf/sf ;b:ox?dWo] rf/ hgfsf] d[To' eof] eg] ;f9] tLgjif{sf] gftL / 5lJj; jlif{o v8s ;'Gb/ jLkL c:ktfn w/fgdf 56k6fO{/x]sf 5g . kfFry/sf] nfjtL] kl/jf/dfq geO{ wgs'6f t]lnof uflj;sf tfdf'Ë kl/jf/sf cj:yf klg p:t} 5 . ljiffn' Rofp vfPkl5 Ps}kl/jf/sf k};¶L jlif{o km'ndfof tfdfË / k}rfln; jlif{o cd[tdfof tfdfËn] olx c;f/ rf}lj;df Hofg u'dfP eg] cd[tdfofsf cjf]w P3f/  jlif{o 5f]/L / bz jlif{o 5f]/f lj/fdL k/]sf 5g . g]kfndf dfq geO{ Oltxf;sf 7'nf b'3{6gfx?df kf]k l/lSnd]G6 ;ftf}+, km|fG;sf /fhf rfN;{ 5}6f}+ / /f]dg ;d|f6 Snfpl8; ;];/sf] d[To' ljiffSt Rofpsf] ;]jgjf6 ePsf] xf] eGg] egfO{ kfO{G5 .

It is always wise to eat known and edible mushrooms_
Wild mushrooms (Ramaria, Gomphus, Hydnum and Russula)
 ready to taste at Local Hotel, Langtang National Park
Photo by Shiva Devkota (2008)
g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{df h+unL Rofpsf] ;]jgjf6 k'u]sf 7"nf Ifltx?sf] cflwsfl/s ljj/0f kfO{b}g\ . h+unL Rofpsf] jl9 k|of]u b'u{d jl:tx?df x'g] x‘'bf lj/fdL / d[To"sf ;j} vj/x? k|fKt gePsf x'g ;S5g\ . oL 36gfx? K|fltlgwL 36gfx? Dffq x'g / jiff{t;dodf g]kfndf k|To]s jif{ cf};t rfln; b]lv krf; hgf;Ddsf] Hofg uPsf] cg'dfg ug{ ;lsG5 . ljiffn' Rofpsf] ;]jgjf6 Ps} kl/jf/sf olt hgfsf] d[To'eGg] ;dfrf/ jf/Djf/ klqsfx?df cfO{/xG5g .
Ophiocordyceps sinensis_A caterpillar fungus
(In Nepali Yarsagumba, Kira, Buti, Chyau Kira)
Collected nearby Kyanzin, Langtang, Nepal
Photo by: Shiva Devkota (2008)

g]kfnL ;dfhdf Rofpsf] pkef]u ug]{ d'Vo /}yfg] hfltx?df tfdfª, g]jf/, z]kf{, ef]6], u'?·, /fO{, lnDj", ysfnL, bg'jf/, r]kfË / yf? x'g\ . g]kfndf kfO{g] Ps xhf/eGbf j9L hFunL Rofpsf k|hftLx?dWo] nueu b'O{;o c¶fO{; k|hftLdfq vfg of]Uo dflgG5g . vfgof]Uo / ljiffn' Rofp 5'6\ofpg] tl/sfx? cfkm}df h6Ln 5g\ . o:t} Rofp vfg x'G5 eg]/ ls6fgLsf ;fy eGg g;lsg] jt{dfg cj:yfdf k/Dk/fut 1fg / To;;+u hf]l8Psf df}lns wf/0ffx?g} klxrfgsf cfwf/x? x'g\ .

s:tf vfg]< s:tf gvfg]<

d]/f] ljut ;ft jif{sf] cg';Gwfgsf] cg'ejsf] cfwf/df s] s'/f k|i6 ePsf] 5 eg], w]/} h;f] Rofp dg k/fpg] / jiff{tsf] ;dodf h+unL Rofpsf] ;Fsng ug]{ ;Fsngstf{x?df vfg of]Uo Rofp lrGg] pgLx?sf cfkg} cg'ejx? 5g, h'g 7fFp ljif]zn] / ;d'bfo cg';f/ km/s km/s 5g . rLtjgsf r]kfËhftL x'g jf d':tfËsf ysfnL hftL ;j}sf cfkmg} 5'§f5'§} df}lns wf/0ffx? / t/Lsfx? 5g .
Russula species (Edible) collected nearby Annapurna Base
Camp, Nepal. Photo by: Shiva Devkota (2009)

;du|df g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{df x]g]{ xf] eg], ufO{j:t'n] 3f‘; vfg x'g] ?vx?df pd|]sf / ld7f] jf:gfbf/o'St Rofpx? vfgsf] nflu pko'St dflgG5g . lo nufot Rofpsf] 5ftfsf] kftnf] kq ;lhn} plSsg]  x'g'sf] ;fy} 8f‘7df cf}7L jf sf‘hf] h:tf] ePsf / 8f‘7 ;lhn} r'‘8fpg ;l'sg] Rofpx? klg vfgsf] nflu ;sng ug]{ ul/G5 . sltko cj:yfdf sldnf, ld+mËf, d';f, nf]vs]{, lj/fnf] h:tf hgfj/x? Rofpdfly j:g] / ltgLx?n] klg Tof] Rofp vfg] u/]sf] kfO{Pdf pSt Rofpx? vfgsf] nflu of]Uo dflgG5g .  tfdfË ;d'bfox? sltko Rofpx? l6k]/ b'O{  – tLg lbg ;Dd 3fddf ;'sfPdf vfg x'G5 eGg] ljZjf; /fVb5g .

Amanita concentrica _A poisonous
mushrooms collected from
Lumle, Kaskti
Photo by Shiva Devkota (2004)

Amanita sp_A Poisonous mushrooms
collected in Kanchenjunga _Ghunsa
valley. Photo by: Shiva Devkota (2012)

ljiffn' Rofp lrGg] cfwf/x? klg olx Gf} x'g eg]/ eGg t h6Ln 5, t/ klg Gfld7f] uGw / lttf] :jfb ePsf / k|fo h;f] df6f]df clg uf]j/df pd|]sf Hofb} /ftf, ;]tf, kx]nf, sfnf /Ësf Rofpx? vfgsf] nflu /fd|f dflgb}gg .  lrKnf] 5ftf / 8f‘7df sf‘8f, luvf{ / sTnf ePdf, nfdf] 8f‘7 clg 8f‘7sf] km]bdf 8NNff] jf y}nf] h:tf] ePdf -x]g'{; t:jL/_, RofpnfO{ b'w jf c08fdf /fVbf s]lx ;do kZrft b'w, c08f kmf6]df -hd]df_ Rof; ljiffn' x'g ;Sg] ;Defjgf w]/} x'G5 . Rofp ksfpbf rf‘bLsf] rDrf, Kofh / cb'jfsf] /Ë kl/jt{g x'G5 ls x'b}g hfFr u/]/ x]g]{ / olb /Ë kl/jt{g eof] eg] To:tf Rofp ljiffn' x'G5g eGg] ljZjf; g]kfnL ;dfh nufot o'/f]k]nL ;dfhdf klg /x]sf] kfO{G5 .

dfly pNn]lvt wf/0ffx? h:t} cGo w]/} wf/0ffx? g]kfn clw/fHoel/ 5l/P/ /x]sf x'g 
Amanita sp; A Poisonous mushrooms. Collected
from nearby Olangchugola, Kanchenjunga, Taplejung
Photo by: Shiva Devkota (2011)
;S5g\, logLx?nfO{ dfq cfwf/ dfg]/ Rofpsf] z]jg ug'{ j'lådtfk"0f{ x'b}g . ;dfhdf h] h:tf wf/0ffx? e]l6Ptf klg o;sf s'g} j}1flgs cfwf/x? xfn;DDf e]l6Psf 5}gg\ . o;sf/0f o:tf] egfO{ 5 eg]/ o;sf] kl5 nfUg' eg]sf] b'3{6gfnfO{ lgDTofpg' xf] . b]Vbf p:t} – p:t} b]lvP klg Pp6f vfgof]Uo / cs|f]{ ljiffn' x'g ;S5 . h}ljs tyf ch}ljs w]/} sf/s tTjx?sf sf/0fn] ubf{ Ps 7f‘pdf vfgof]Uo Rofp cs|f] 7f‘pdf ljiffSt klg x'g ;S5 . h:t}, tLn Rofp g]kfndf vfg of]Uo 5g eg] log} k|hftL hfkfg / o'/f]lkog d'nsx?df ljiffn' ?kdf klg x]l/G5g\ .

Fun with mushrooms_Please Be aware with poisonous
mushrooms_Rabindra Parajuli, my colleague showing
mushrooms in Dadheldhura, Far Western Nepal
Photo by Shiva Devkota (2011) 

ljiffn' Rofpsf c;/x?,
ljiffn' Rofpsf] pkef]u kZrft\ b]vfkg]{ nIf0fx? c;dfg / km/s k|s[ltsf x'G5g\ . Rofp ;]jg ug]{ dflg;sf] pd]/, Rofpsf] k|hftL clg slt dfqfdf ;]jg u/]sf] xf] To;s} cfwf/df nIf0fx? b]vf kb{5g\ . s'g} s'g} Rofpx? vfP nut} c;/ b]vf kg{ ;'? x'G5 eg] s'g} k|hftLx? vfPsf] tLg rf/ lbg kl5 dfq c;/x? b]vf kb{5g\ . h:t}M Ko"7fg ksnf uflj;sf b]j]Gb«/fh /fjnsf] kl/jf/df h+unL Rofp vfPsf] tLg lbg kl5 dfq nIf0f b]vf k/]sf] lyof] eg] Ps xKtf kl5 kl/jf/sf rf/ hgfsf] d[To' ePsf] lyof]. ;]jg kZrft\ b]vf kg}{ ;fwf/0f nIf0fx?dfM k]6 s/fpg z'? x'g', jfGtf x'g', ¥ofn r'xfpg', sdhf]/L dxz'; x'g', kvfnf nfUg', lbzfdf /ut b]vf kg'{, df‘;k];L j‘fpl8g', dfgl;s ;Gt'ng u'dfpg', zl// sf‘Kg z'? x'g', nfdf] lgb«fdf kg,'{ / d'v / lhj|f]df PnhL{ x'g' 5g\ .

hf]lvd sd ug]{ pkfox?,
Helvella crispa_Edible mushrooms_Collected from
Khumjung, Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal
Photo by Shiva Devkota
Rofpsf kf/vLx? Jfif{sf] Ps k6s t Rofp vfg' kb{5 eGg] wf/0ff /fVb5g . 3/df g} k/fndf pdfg{ ;lsg] Rofpx? eGbf k|fs[lts ?kdf hFundf kfO{g] Rofpx? :jflbnf dflgG5g . ljiffn' Rofp x'g ;Sg] ;Defjgfx?nfO{ s]nfpg ;Sof] eg] hFunL Rofpjf6 x'g ;Sg] hf]lvdnfO{ sd ug{ ;lsG5 . o;sf nflu ;8]sf, ls/fn] vfP/ jf‘ls /x]sf, w]/} slnnf] clg kmls|;s]sf Rofpx? vfg'x'b}+g\ . b'O{ jf ;f] eGbf jl9 k|hftLsf Rofpx? Ps} k6s vfg' x'b}g\ . vfg x'g] Rofpg} klg olb s;}n] klxnf] k6s vfg nfu]sf] xf] eg] w]/} dfqfdf vfg x'b}g\ .  Knfli6ssf] dmf]nf, l6gsf] jfs; h:tf u'\D;g] ef‘8fdf slxNo} klg Rofp ;+sng ug'{ x'b}g . ljiffn' Rofp vfPsf] z+sf nfu]df k|z:t dfqfdf dgtftf] g'g kflg lkpg' kb{5  / hlt;Sbf] l56f] :jf:Yo s]Gb« hfg'kb{5 .

c7f/f} ztfJbLjf6 z'? ePsf] g]kfnL Rofpsf] cWoog / cg';Gwfg xfnsf lbg;Dd 
Dried form of Morchella conica and Morchella esculenta;
Collected in Dolpa, Western Nepal
Photo by Shiva Devkota (2007)

cfO{k'Ubf z':t k|foM 5 . l;ldt lj1x?dfq o; If]qdf ;+nUg /x]sf] jt{dfg kl/k|]Iodf lhDd]jf/ ;DjlGwt lgsfox?n] o:tf k|sf/sf h}ljs ljljwtfsf] cWoog / cg';Gwfg ug]{ jftfj/0fsf] l;h{gf ug'{kb{5 . h;n] ubf{ Rofpsf] sf/0fn] ubf{ x'g] d[To"b/df sdL NofO{, pkef]u / ;Dj¢{g ;DjGwdf hgr]tgf hufpb}+ dxTjk"0f{ /}yfg] k|hftLx?sf] hu]gf{ ug{ ;lsg]5 .


Devkota, S. 2009. Chyau Kasto Khaney, Kasto nakhaney? (= mushrooms, which to eat and which to omit ? Sadhana Health (magazine) (In Nepali) (Shrawan issue) 39-40. 

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