
New Methods and Techniques in Ecology and Evolution- Easy Tools for Data Analysis

PhD bites!!

What a funny joke!!

Oh! So many datas! how to solve the problems?

How to manage the datas?

How to analyze all and how to prepare scientific papers for ISI Journals? so many questions in a single mind and have to find solutions...

I got bit relief, after finding so many ideas related with new software, equipment, tools with new advances.

These application papers are really useful for all the researchers who are particularly focusing their priorities on ecology and evolution.

Please find a link below


...and don't forget to share your experience.

Good Luck and have nice surfing and playing with the datas..


च्याउ कस्तो खाने, कस्तो नखाने ?

A women showing poisonous mushrooms 
Amanita longistrata in Srinagar Hill, Palpa,
Western District, Nepal _10 people were 
died after eating this mushrooms in 
July 2005. Photo by: Shiva Devkota (2005)
Mushrooms poisoning is a serious problem in Nepal. Annually around 50 people are losing their life and hundreds of collectors are being poisoned. Undocumented poisoning cases are even higher. 

This article which was published in SADHANA HEALTH magazine (2009) on mushrooms poisoning, common methods of identifying poisonous mushrooms and some preventive and curative measures is somehow informative to prevent poisoning in present days context as well. 
A children collecting mushrooms (Lactarius thakalorum)
edible and locally praised at Lete village, Mustang,
 Nepal_Photo by Shiva Devkota (2005) 

More photographs related with the mushrooms poisoning in Nepal will be posted later.

If you want to know in details about wild mushrooms of Nepal, Ethnomycology, Domestication of wild mushrooms, Caterpillar mushrooms (Ophiocordyceps sinensis / Yarsagumba, Truffels and other aspects of mushrooms in Nepal Himalayas please feel free to contact me shivadevkota12@yahoo.com 

Rofp M s:tf] vfg], s:tf] gvfg]<
lzj b]jsf]6f

Local selling wild mushroomsTermitomyces sp in Bardiya,
Nearby Chisapani bridge, Western Nepal
Photo by: Shiva Devkota (2011)
Ramaria sp ready to cook_Collection from Sundarijal,
Nearby Kathmandu, Nepal
Photo by: Shiva Devkota (2007)
c;f/ kGw|sf] wfg/f]Kg] r6f/f]df h'6b} u/]sf] kfFry/ hLNnf n'Dkmfj'Ë uflj;sf] nfjtL] kl/jf/ oltv]/ 7'nf] zf]sdf 8'j]sf] 5 . c;f/ P3f/ ut] glhs}sf] h+Ënjf6 l6k]/ NofPsf] Rofp c1fgtfjz vfg x'g] ;Ddm]/ vfPkl5 kl/jf/sf ;b:ox?dWo] rf/ hgfsf] d[To' eof] eg] ;f9] tLgjif{sf] gftL / 5lJj; jlif{o v8s ;'Gb/ jLkL c:ktfn w/fgdf 56k6fO{/x]sf 5g . kfFry/sf] nfjtL] kl/jf/dfq geO{ wgs'6f t]lnof uflj;sf tfdf'Ë kl/jf/sf cj:yf klg p:t} 5 . ljiffn' Rofp vfPkl5 Ps}kl/jf/sf k};¶L jlif{o km'ndfof tfdfË / k}rfln; jlif{o cd[tdfof tfdfËn] olx c;f/ rf}lj;df Hofg u'dfP eg] cd[tdfofsf cjf]w P3f/  jlif{o 5f]/L / bz jlif{o 5f]/f lj/fdL k/]sf 5g . g]kfndf dfq geO{ Oltxf;sf 7'nf b'3{6gfx?df kf]k l/lSnd]G6 ;ftf}+, km|fG;sf /fhf rfN;{ 5}6f}+ / /f]dg ;d|f6 Snfpl8; ;];/sf] d[To' ljiffSt Rofpsf] ;]jgjf6 ePsf] xf] eGg] egfO{ kfO{G5 .

It is always wise to eat known and edible mushrooms_
Wild mushrooms (Ramaria, Gomphus, Hydnum and Russula)
 ready to taste at Local Hotel, Langtang National Park
Photo by Shiva Devkota (2008)
g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{df h+unL Rofpsf] ;]jgjf6 k'u]sf 7"nf Ifltx?sf] cflwsfl/s ljj/0f kfO{b}g\ . h+unL Rofpsf] jl9 k|of]u b'u{d jl:tx?df x'g] x‘'bf lj/fdL / d[To"sf ;j} vj/x? k|fKt gePsf x'g ;S5g\ . oL 36gfx? K|fltlgwL 36gfx? Dffq x'g / jiff{t;dodf g]kfndf k|To]s jif{ cf};t rfln; b]lv krf; hgf;Ddsf] Hofg uPsf] cg'dfg ug{ ;lsG5 . ljiffn' Rofpsf] ;]jgjf6 Ps} kl/jf/sf olt hgfsf] d[To'eGg] ;dfrf/ jf/Djf/ klqsfx?df cfO{/xG5g .
Ophiocordyceps sinensis_A caterpillar fungus
(In Nepali Yarsagumba, Kira, Buti, Chyau Kira)
Collected nearby Kyanzin, Langtang, Nepal
Photo by: Shiva Devkota (2008)

g]kfnL ;dfhdf Rofpsf] pkef]u ug]{ d'Vo /}yfg] hfltx?df tfdfª, g]jf/, z]kf{, ef]6], u'?·, /fO{, lnDj", ysfnL, bg'jf/, r]kfË / yf? x'g\ . g]kfndf kfO{g] Ps xhf/eGbf j9L hFunL Rofpsf k|hftLx?dWo] nueu b'O{;o c¶fO{; k|hftLdfq vfg of]Uo dflgG5g . vfgof]Uo / ljiffn' Rofp 5'6\ofpg] tl/sfx? cfkm}df h6Ln 5g\ . o:t} Rofp vfg x'G5 eg]/ ls6fgLsf ;fy eGg g;lsg] jt{dfg cj:yfdf k/Dk/fut 1fg / To;;+u hf]l8Psf df}lns wf/0ffx?g} klxrfgsf cfwf/x? x'g\ .

s:tf vfg]< s:tf gvfg]<

d]/f] ljut ;ft jif{sf] cg';Gwfgsf] cg'ejsf] cfwf/df s] s'/f k|i6 ePsf] 5 eg], w]/} h;f] Rofp dg k/fpg] / jiff{tsf] ;dodf h+unL Rofpsf] ;Fsng ug]{ ;Fsngstf{x?df vfg of]Uo Rofp lrGg] pgLx?sf cfkg} cg'ejx? 5g, h'g 7fFp ljif]zn] / ;d'bfo cg';f/ km/s km/s 5g . rLtjgsf r]kfËhftL x'g jf d':tfËsf ysfnL hftL ;j}sf cfkmg} 5'§f5'§} df}lns wf/0ffx? / t/Lsfx? 5g .
Russula species (Edible) collected nearby Annapurna Base
Camp, Nepal. Photo by: Shiva Devkota (2009)

;du|df g]kfnsf] ;Gbe{df x]g]{ xf] eg], ufO{j:t'n] 3f‘; vfg x'g] ?vx?df pd|]sf / ld7f] jf:gfbf/o'St Rofpx? vfgsf] nflu pko'St dflgG5g . lo nufot Rofpsf] 5ftfsf] kftnf] kq ;lhn} plSsg]  x'g'sf] ;fy} 8f‘7df cf}7L jf sf‘hf] h:tf] ePsf / 8f‘7 ;lhn} r'‘8fpg ;l'sg] Rofpx? klg vfgsf] nflu ;sng ug]{ ul/G5 . sltko cj:yfdf sldnf, ld+mËf, d';f, nf]vs]{, lj/fnf] h:tf hgfj/x? Rofpdfly j:g] / ltgLx?n] klg Tof] Rofp vfg] u/]sf] kfO{Pdf pSt Rofpx? vfgsf] nflu of]Uo dflgG5g .  tfdfË ;d'bfox? sltko Rofpx? l6k]/ b'O{  – tLg lbg ;Dd 3fddf ;'sfPdf vfg x'G5 eGg] ljZjf; /fVb5g .

Amanita concentrica _A poisonous
mushrooms collected from
Lumle, Kaskti
Photo by Shiva Devkota (2004)

Amanita sp_A Poisonous mushrooms
collected in Kanchenjunga _Ghunsa
valley. Photo by: Shiva Devkota (2012)

ljiffn' Rofp lrGg] cfwf/x? klg olx Gf} x'g eg]/ eGg t h6Ln 5, t/ klg Gfld7f] uGw / lttf] :jfb ePsf / k|fo h;f] df6f]df clg uf]j/df pd|]sf Hofb} /ftf, ;]tf, kx]nf, sfnf /Ësf Rofpx? vfgsf] nflu /fd|f dflgb}gg .  lrKnf] 5ftf / 8f‘7df sf‘8f, luvf{ / sTnf ePdf, nfdf] 8f‘7 clg 8f‘7sf] km]bdf 8NNff] jf y}nf] h:tf] ePdf -x]g'{; t:jL/_, RofpnfO{ b'w jf c08fdf /fVbf s]lx ;do kZrft b'w, c08f kmf6]df -hd]df_ Rof; ljiffn' x'g ;Sg] ;Defjgf w]/} x'G5 . Rofp ksfpbf rf‘bLsf] rDrf, Kofh / cb'jfsf] /Ë kl/jt{g x'G5 ls x'b}g hfFr u/]/ x]g]{ / olb /Ë kl/jt{g eof] eg] To:tf Rofp ljiffn' x'G5g eGg] ljZjf; g]kfnL ;dfh nufot o'/f]k]nL ;dfhdf klg /x]sf] kfO{G5 .

dfly pNn]lvt wf/0ffx? h:t} cGo w]/} wf/0ffx? g]kfn clw/fHoel/ 5l/P/ /x]sf x'g 
Amanita sp; A Poisonous mushrooms. Collected
from nearby Olangchugola, Kanchenjunga, Taplejung
Photo by: Shiva Devkota (2011)
;S5g\, logLx?nfO{ dfq cfwf/ dfg]/ Rofpsf] z]jg ug'{ j'lådtfk"0f{ x'b}g . ;dfhdf h] h:tf wf/0ffx? e]l6Ptf klg o;sf s'g} j}1flgs cfwf/x? xfn;DDf e]l6Psf 5}gg\ . o;sf/0f o:tf] egfO{ 5 eg]/ o;sf] kl5 nfUg' eg]sf] b'3{6gfnfO{ lgDTofpg' xf] . b]Vbf p:t} – p:t} b]lvP klg Pp6f vfgof]Uo / cs|f]{ ljiffn' x'g ;S5 . h}ljs tyf ch}ljs w]/} sf/s tTjx?sf sf/0fn] ubf{ Ps 7f‘pdf vfgof]Uo Rofp cs|f] 7f‘pdf ljiffSt klg x'g ;S5 . h:t}, tLn Rofp g]kfndf vfg of]Uo 5g eg] log} k|hftL hfkfg / o'/f]lkog d'nsx?df ljiffn' ?kdf klg x]l/G5g\ .

Fun with mushrooms_Please Be aware with poisonous
mushrooms_Rabindra Parajuli, my colleague showing
mushrooms in Dadheldhura, Far Western Nepal
Photo by Shiva Devkota (2011) 

ljiffn' Rofpsf c;/x?,
ljiffn' Rofpsf] pkef]u kZrft\ b]vfkg]{ nIf0fx? c;dfg / km/s k|s[ltsf x'G5g\ . Rofp ;]jg ug]{ dflg;sf] pd]/, Rofpsf] k|hftL clg slt dfqfdf ;]jg u/]sf] xf] To;s} cfwf/df nIf0fx? b]vf kb{5g\ . s'g} s'g} Rofpx? vfP nut} c;/ b]vf kg{ ;'? x'G5 eg] s'g} k|hftLx? vfPsf] tLg rf/ lbg kl5 dfq c;/x? b]vf kb{5g\ . h:t}M Ko"7fg ksnf uflj;sf b]j]Gb«/fh /fjnsf] kl/jf/df h+unL Rofp vfPsf] tLg lbg kl5 dfq nIf0f b]vf k/]sf] lyof] eg] Ps xKtf kl5 kl/jf/sf rf/ hgfsf] d[To' ePsf] lyof]. ;]jg kZrft\ b]vf kg}{ ;fwf/0f nIf0fx?dfM k]6 s/fpg z'? x'g', jfGtf x'g', ¥ofn r'xfpg', sdhf]/L dxz'; x'g', kvfnf nfUg', lbzfdf /ut b]vf kg'{, df‘;k];L j‘fpl8g', dfgl;s ;Gt'ng u'dfpg', zl// sf‘Kg z'? x'g', nfdf] lgb«fdf kg,'{ / d'v / lhj|f]df PnhL{ x'g' 5g\ .

hf]lvd sd ug]{ pkfox?,
Helvella crispa_Edible mushrooms_Collected from
Khumjung, Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal
Photo by Shiva Devkota
Rofpsf kf/vLx? Jfif{sf] Ps k6s t Rofp vfg' kb{5 eGg] wf/0ff /fVb5g . 3/df g} k/fndf pdfg{ ;lsg] Rofpx? eGbf k|fs[lts ?kdf hFundf kfO{g] Rofpx? :jflbnf dflgG5g . ljiffn' Rofp x'g ;Sg] ;Defjgfx?nfO{ s]nfpg ;Sof] eg] hFunL Rofpjf6 x'g ;Sg] hf]lvdnfO{ sd ug{ ;lsG5 . o;sf nflu ;8]sf, ls/fn] vfP/ jf‘ls /x]sf, w]/} slnnf] clg kmls|;s]sf Rofpx? vfg'x'b}+g\ . b'O{ jf ;f] eGbf jl9 k|hftLsf Rofpx? Ps} k6s vfg' x'b}g\ . vfg x'g] Rofpg} klg olb s;}n] klxnf] k6s vfg nfu]sf] xf] eg] w]/} dfqfdf vfg x'b}g\ .  Knfli6ssf] dmf]nf, l6gsf] jfs; h:tf u'\D;g] ef‘8fdf slxNo} klg Rofp ;+sng ug'{ x'b}g . ljiffn' Rofp vfPsf] z+sf nfu]df k|z:t dfqfdf dgtftf] g'g kflg lkpg' kb{5  / hlt;Sbf] l56f] :jf:Yo s]Gb« hfg'kb{5 .

c7f/f} ztfJbLjf6 z'? ePsf] g]kfnL Rofpsf] cWoog / cg';Gwfg xfnsf lbg;Dd 
Dried form of Morchella conica and Morchella esculenta;
Collected in Dolpa, Western Nepal
Photo by Shiva Devkota (2007)

cfO{k'Ubf z':t k|foM 5 . l;ldt lj1x?dfq o; If]qdf ;+nUg /x]sf] jt{dfg kl/k|]Iodf lhDd]jf/ ;DjlGwt lgsfox?n] o:tf k|sf/sf h}ljs ljljwtfsf] cWoog / cg';Gwfg ug]{ jftfj/0fsf] l;h{gf ug'{kb{5 . h;n] ubf{ Rofpsf] sf/0fn] ubf{ x'g] d[To"b/df sdL NofO{, pkef]u / ;Dj¢{g ;DjGwdf hgr]tgf hufpb}+ dxTjk"0f{ /}yfg] k|hftLx?sf] hu]gf{ ug{ ;lsg]5 .


Devkota, S. 2009. Chyau Kasto Khaney, Kasto nakhaney? (= mushrooms, which to eat and which to omit ? Sadhana Health (magazine) (In Nepali) (Shrawan issue) 39-40. 


My Yahoo Account has been Hacked

Dear Blog readers and Friends,
So sad to inform you, my yahoo email devkotashiva@yahoo.com has been hacked by someone stupid.
So please use♦ shivadevkota12@yahoo.com or shiva.devkota@gmail.com for the further correspondances.
Thank you,


How to Identify Lichens?

Looking after the research scenario in Nepal, Lichens (Jhyauu / Jhulo /Tarey /Yangben) are poorly investigated. The cause behind this is, we have limited numbers of Lichenologists working on it and very often foreign scientists made researches in Nepal. The study on lichens demand more insights on their identification procedures. Essentials chemicals, labs and recent techniques are crucial for this kind of studies. In most of the European and American countries, they have lichenological societies and they are doing good in providing training, lab studies and bringing out lots of interesting publications.

I have found very interesting weblink to know the basic procedures in identification of the lichens. I hope you will love to read it.

Please follow the link


Every Happiness be Always with You in 2012

Dear All My Blog Viewers, I wish you Happy New Year 2012. This is one of my best photo from my this visit to Switzerland. I was lucky to click this photo in a sunny day from Albis Pass, nearby Zurich.


Poor Lichens (Jhyauu in Nepali) - Wealthy Politicians : Bitter Reality from Nepal

In July 2010, I was visiting  Western and Far-Western parts of Nepal (Nepalganj (Banke), Bardia, Kailali, Kanchenupur, Mahendranagar, Doti and Dadheldura) together with my two colleagues Mr Rabindra Parajuli and Mr Khem Kandel. The prime objective was to make study on different parameters (Sociological and Ecological) of Lichens. In Nepal lichens is called Jhyau, Tarey , Jhulo and Rai, Limbu and Sherpa people call it Yangben.

Everniastrum nepalense - Photo by Shiva Devkota
Why the discussion on Lichens after almost a year? yes, its obvious. In coming January 9-13, 2012, I am attending International Licheonological Symposium, at Bankok and delivering paper on "Trade and Traditonal Knowledge of Lichens in Nepal Himalayas" together with my professor Prof. Christoph Schedeigger from WSL, Switzerland, under whose supervision I am doing PhD since last almost a year. My PhD is not related with this ethnic and trade concept, but in my last frequent visits in Sagarmatha (Everest), Manaslu, and Kanchenjunga (Olangchugola) I have collected sufficient information on ethnolichenology and trade patterns.

Heterodermia leucomila - Photo by Shiva Devkota
While I am preparing my PowerPoint, and planning to prepare a research paper to submit in any of the ISI journal, I am getting excited with the realities behind the lichens in Nepal. Though it is called Jhyauu - infact it is much more important bio resource from the sociological and ecological aspects. In the name of management of lichens, there are many fragile rules and regulations in Nepal. So, pity is that, with the development of consensus among the players, sometimes government even lift the ban of lichen export. I am not saying that it is not good to harvest the lichens, but there must be some guidelines, stock estimation and market set up. The gap between real collectors and traders should be minimized for the equitable benefit sharing.

I was aware that, while I was in Nepalganj, my colleague SANAM introduced me with some traders, and provided a way to look their stores. Oh my God, store was with full of lichens and they were looking for the possibilities to send the lichens in India through illegal ways. Yaa, its common and every conservationists, every government staffs either from District Forest Offices of the respective districts or cadres of local level political parties - they all are aware about that.
Pure stand of Lobaria japonica, by SD

Businessmans know very well, when the government is going to lift the ban. It is really a surprise, and later on same things will happen. It seems that they are a key to open the padlock of government in getting permission for the short time. Once they made export of all the lichens, then government used to ban the lichens. What a Pity??

The news published in Myrepublica.com might be interesting reading to you as well:
Ban lift on lichen export unauthorized: CIAA
KATHMANDU, Sept 10: The Commission for the Investigation of Abuse of Authority (CIAA) has concluded that the decision taken by former Forest Minister Bhanu Bhakta Joshi to lift the ban on export of lichen worth Rs 42. 5 million was unauthorized.

Minister Joshi, in his capacity as a caretaker minister had decided to export 170,000 kilograms of lichen flouting the provisions of a gazette that had banned lichen export.
“We seized important documents and found that ex-minister Joshi had taken the decision for personal benefit,” said CIAA Secretary Bhagwati Kafle.

The Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation (MoFSC) had banned export of lichen a year ago by publishing a gazette following a study that highlighted the adverse effects on biodiversity of such reckless exports.

Minister Joshi had decided to lift the ban for six months despite objections from MoFSC officials. “As per our investigation, Minister Joshi had decided to lift the ban simply to serve his personal interests,” said another CIAA source, adding, “We didn´t find any genuine logic behind the decision.”

Lichen is a grey, green or yellow plant-like organism that grows on trees, rocks and walls and is used for manufacturing herbal medicines and colors. According to experts, the herb is sold for at least Rs 250 per kg in India and China.

“Minister Joshi had claimed that the poor can benefit if the lichen in question is exported,” said CIAA source, adding, “However, his arguments are not convincing. We found him instead of trying to take an advantage in the name of the poor.”

Smelling rat over the deal, the Ministry of Law and Justice (MoLJ) had rejected Minister Joshi´s proposal. Minister Joshi had forwarded his decision paper at MoLJ seeking the latter´s approval to publish his decision in a gazette.

As per the existing legal system, a minister needs to get the consent of the law ministry to publish his decision in a gazette and publish it before it gets implemented.

Published on 2011-09-10 02:30:58


Mushrooms in Swiss Departmental Stores : The Flash Back of Nepalese Scenario

Morchella (Morels) Mushrooms in the Deparment Stores
 at Birmensdorf, Switzerland @ Shiva Devkota
Being a mushrooms lover, I am pleased to find Agaricus and Morchella (Morels) mushrooms in the supermarket nearby our WSL guest house. As compared to Nepal, price of Agaricus (called Dalley chyau or Gobrey chyau in Nepal) is expensive but Morchella or morels (Guchhi chyau / Mattheura in Nepali) is very cheap. Another interesting feature is even in this season we can buy wild mushrooms here.

Agaricus (Dalley Chyau) mushrooms
 in sell (1 Swiss Frank = NRs 90 only)
@ Shiva Devkota
Prof Dr Senn Beatrice, a well known wild mushrooms expert from Switzerland is also working in the same department, where I am doing my research work.  In my last visit, while we were discussing about the poisoning cases in Switzerland, she expressed her happiness in finding the regulating and monitoring centers in different corners of Switzerland. Collectors can bring their samples to test, if they got confused regarding edible or poisonous mushrooms. So, almost no chance to eat poisonous mushrooms in Switzerland.

In Nepal, annually more than 50 mushrooms collectors are loosing their life, simply due to poisonous mushrooms. Its so pity to us. Still the Nepal Government and high level research institutes are not paying attention in these serious issues. Proper research and awareness programmes are still lacking in Nepal. 
Wild mushrooms in sell at Denner Supermaket,
Birmensdorf, nearby Zurich  @ Shiva Devkota

I am trying to disseminate the knowledge on edible and poisonous mushrooms of Nepal in different forms like short papers, media interviews and research paper publications and presentations. It really hurts with the poisoning cases. 

Myself: I love this picture very much.
 It was taken at nearby Dakshinkali in 2005
 while I was preparing my M.Sc. 
dissertation on mushrooms. Indigenous 
knowledge is the only a way to identify edible 
and poisonous mushrooms in Nepal.

Today while visiting nearby market, I really impressed with the systems. I hope and wish we could also start this kind of packaging and marketing system of wild mushrooms in Nepal. If you have some ideas and concepts to work in Nepalese wild mushrooms either in Diversity, Ecology, Ethnomycology, Cultivation and Marketing, Domestication of Wild mushrooms, please feel free to write me shiva.devkota@gmail.com. I  would be pleased to provide the information whatever I compiled in last 8 years of my research period. We can work together in various aspects of mushrooms and such research are still awaiting. 


New Book Chapter on Ophiocordyceps sinensis (Yarsagumba) from Nepal Himalayas: Status, Threats and Management Strategies

Please cite this paper as:

Devkota, S. 2010. Ophiocordyceps sinensis (Yarsagumba)  from Nepal Himalaya: Status,  Threats and  Management  Strategies.  In,  Cordyceps Resources and Environment (Zhang Ping Hao-wei ed.), Grassland Supervision Center by  the Ministry of Agriculture, People‟s Republic of China. pp. 91-108. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2011.02596.

Dear All, If You Want to Know Something More about This Fascinating Fungus, Please Feel Free to Write me shiva.devkota@gmail.com / shiva.devkota@wsl.ch


Price of Caterpillar Fungus / Yarsagumba - Himalayan Viagra ( Ophiocordyceps sinensis) Reached NRs 20,33,280 Per KG : What a Crazy!

Wanna Buy Caterpillar Fungs / Yarsagumba
I really wondered when I encountered with the news posted in www.nypost.com regarding Caterpillar Fungus (Yarsagumba or Yarchagunbu) price. New Yorkers are getting US$ 800 per ounce (35.3 Ounces = 1 Kilograms) for dried Yarsagumba. It means they are getting approx US$ 28240 or NRs 20,33,280 per kg. ( US$ 1 = NRs 72).What a crazy price and crazy fungus lovers!. This really forces me to think many times regarding Nepalese Yarsagumba, market scenario in Nepal and real benefits getting by the real collectors : Collectors from the remote highlands of Nepal. 
In spite of being the main source of income for the rural mountain inhabitants ,Nepal Government, and many Research Organizations in Nepal are not paying clear attention for this Himalayan treasure or Yellow Living Gold. We are already late for the sustainable management of resource and market setup for the collected amounts. It would be really praiseworthy to take immediate actions for the further research, exploration and management of the Caterpillar Fungus of Nepal Himalaya. In this moment, I am missing Dolpa and Dolpali people very much, where I spend my two years of research days, looking from the basic things associated with the livelihoods and upto  making understanding on the ecological parameters associated with this fungus. I would be really pleased to provide any sorts of information from my own experience, sharing of research ideas, findings and publications from my side. Please feel free to contact or write me at shiva.devkota@gmail.com

If you are interested to know more about Yarsagumba, its status, distribution, present scenario and further recommendations for its sustainable harvesting in Nepal Himalayas, it might be interesting to you http://shivadevkota.blogspot.ch/2011/12/new-book-chapter-on-ophiocordyceps.html

Same lines posted in the nypost.com are pasted in the text below:
Caterpillar Fungus in Sell : Market Ceter at Xining, China

It's a stiff price to pay for a fungus-encrusted silkworm. But New Yorkers are gladly shelling out $800 an ounce for these dried dead bodies -- and the sexual prowess they promise.

The vile virility remedy known as "Himalayan Viagra" works a little differently from the blue pill. There's no immediate reaction, but sprinkle them on your corn flakes every morning and users swear it'll make your bedsprings bounce. The wonder drug -- called "yarsagumba" or "dong chong xia cao" -- can also be brewed into an anti-impotence tea.

The insects come from the highlands of Nepal, where they are attacked by a beige fungus, cordyceps sinensis, that kills and entombs them. "It's like the ultimate invasion of the body snatchers," said Thomas Leung, owner of Kamwo, a Chinese herbal pharmacy on Grand Street. Hoping to resurrect their love lives, older men are blowing wads of cash on the creepy caterpillar cocktails. "It would cost you about $200 per serving," Leung said. 

Leung remembers the ingredient selling for a mere $6.50 decades ago, but the price has rocketed to half the price of gold in recent years. "It's hard to come by, and the demand for it is very high because of there's a lot of hype," he said. The infected worms are picked by peasants during the summer in isolated villages along the Annapurna trail. Schools shut down for the lucrative picking season so children can join the hunt for the expensive aphrodisiac. But where there's sex and money, violence can't be far behind. Competition for the cash crop between remote mountain towns has turned bloody, with mobs murdering poachers. In June 2009, a mob of 65 villagers from the Menang clan in Nar bludgeoned seven poachers from a neighboring Gorkha tribe. The Nar men -- one from each household -- first slew two rivals with primitive tools and tossed their bodies into a crevasse. Then the gang ripped another five encroachers to pieces and cold-heartedly discarded them. Next month a verdict is expected to come down for 35 men charged in the crime.

Leung believes local interest in the mystical worm is based more on folklore than on serious Eastern medicine.
The sweet-tasting substance is commonly used in formulas to treat chronic asthma and is a centuries-old remedy for lung and kidney health, he said. "The kidneys are responsible for sexual and reproductive functions, so people kind of stretch that and say, 'Well if you consume this, you'll have that,' " he said.

"Very few people who sell this are going to tell you that, because they want to keep the hype up," he added.
Leung said the ingredient is peddled in cheaper supplements and the fungus has been synthetically duplicated.
But he's no snake-oil salesman. "People always ask, 'Is it really that good?' " he said. "And I say, 'It's not $800 good.' "


Does Someone Know if the Truffle Mushrooms is Collected from Nepal? Let's Explore the Potentiality to Work Together

European Black Truffle - Photo Anonymous
Since almost last two weeks, I am wondering about the availability of peculiar and interesting type of mushrooms in Nepal that is called TRUFFLE. If I am not wrong, till date no one made report on this mushrooms from Nepal Himalaya. Three possible reasons for this could be:
  1. We have only fragmentary researches on mushrooms in comparison to higher plants,
  2. Till date no one made specific research on truffles,
  3. Local indigenous communities in remote parts of Nepal may be using this resources since long but no one made reports so far,
False Truffle from Mustang, Nepal- By Shiva Devkota
So the exploration and research on this aspect would be exemplary in mushrooms research history of Nepal. In 2007 while I was in mushrooms exploration programme, together with Mycologist Dr Morten Christensen from KVL Denmark, at that period we were encountered with truffle alike species in Kunjo, Mustang. But unfortunately that was not Truffel but a false truffel.

What are Truffles?

In a nutshell, truffles are mushrooms that grow underground. They are the fruit of a fungus that bonds with the root system of many kinds of trees, including oaks, poplars, birches, beeches, and hazelnuts. A symbiotic relationship occurs between the fungus and the tree root, with the root providing sugar to nourish the truffle, and the fungus aiding in the tree’s absorption of water and nutrients. Unlike above-ground mushrooms, truffles don’t grow stems and caps. And the spore-bearing part of the truffle is fully enclosed. So truffles are dependent on animals to help them propagate by bringing the spores above ground. Attracted by the strong scent of the truffles, small animals like squirrels and chipmunks eat the truffles, and then spread the spores in their droppings. 

Truffle is underground endomycorrhizal mushrooms and species comprises Tuber aestivum, T. albidum, T. brumale, T. excavatum, T. ferrugineum, T. magnatum, T. melanosporum, T. rufum and T. uncinatum and many more. White truffles (tuber magnatum) from northern Italy are the most highly-prized -- and most costly.   They can sell for as much as $3,000 to $4,000 per pound.   They grow wild in woods in certain areas and are usually found at the base of a few species of tree: oak, poplar, elm and some others. 

Switzerland and my Experience with Truffle

Switzerland through my Lens
Most of us never get to see a truffle. When we do experience the taste or the aroma, it is in the form of truffle oil, truffle paste or truffle butter. If we do see truffles, they tend to be of the preserved variety (canned or, more usually, bottled) and their flavour is so minimal that we wonder what the fuss is about. In last week of December 2009, while I was accompanied with friend Therese in the downtown Zurich, Switzerland she offered me lunch in the local restaurant. She asked, whether I would like to try some mushrooms disc or others. She knows my interest on mushrooms very much. In the menu we found some truffle recipes. I was wondered and excited to see truffles, but unluckily we were compelled to taste for truffle oil mixed with rice. Oh! rice was with great aroma.

How to collect? Collection Method is really Very Interesting

Truffle hunters in Italy and France use pigs and mixed-breed dogs to sniff out truffles. Dogs are preferred to pigs because pigs love to eat truffles. Notice the staff held by the truffle hunter in the picture with the pig. The hunter uses the staff to force the pig to back off, once the pig has located a truffle.

In Italy, truffle dogs are trained in several steps. First, the dog is taught to retrieve a rubber ball. Next, a small bit of smelly Gorgonzola cheese is substituted for the rubber ball. After the dog has learned to retrieve the cheese, the cheese is hidden, forcing the dog to sniff it out for a reward of food. Finally, a small truffle is substituted for the cheese. The dog is trained to fetch, then dig up the truffle.

Dogs like other food better than truffles, so bread and other treats are used for rewards. The night before a truffle hunt the dog is not fed so it will be eager to find truffles for the treat. Some dogs take the easy way out. They find and eat garbage buried by campers! Dogs generally do not find young truffles because the odor is too weak. The odor becomes stronger with age as the spores mature. In North America, truffle collectors use three major clues to find truffles. First, it must be warm and the soil moist. Truffles are often found 10 to 14 days after a heavy rain. The umbrella shaped mushrooms which pop up after a good rain can be used as a kind of clock. Look for truffles after these mushrooms have started to collapse.

Second, the right trees must be present. Truffles are formed by fungi that are partners with certain trees. You will not find truffles under maples, for instance, because maples do not form ectomycorrhizae. Trees to use as clues include: pines, firs, Douglas-fir, oaks, hazel nuts, hickories, birches, beeches, and eucalyptus.

Third, truffles use animals for spore dispersal. In North America, squirrels and chipmunks are the major wild animals dispersing truffle spores. Search among the right trees for pits dug by rodents in their own hunt for truffles. Pits do not guarantee success, however! Rodents also dig pits searching for acorns, onion bulbs, and beetle grubs.

My Personal Request

In this coming season, I am trying to explore the truffles in different parts of Nepal Himalaya. I would be really thankful if someone just recalled oh!!!!that species may be truffles with which we were encountered during our last field visit. This kind of information is really very very helpful and we can work together.

Please forward your suggestion and research ideas to shiva.devkota@gmail.com. I am anticipating  joint work and formulation of the research findings with both National and International Scientists and truffles lovers.

Thank you very much!