(Born: June 8, 1978 / Lumle-5, Kaski, Gandaki, Nepal)
Mailing Address: GPO Box 24968, Kathmandu, Nepal
Email: shivadevkota12@yahoo.com , shiva.devkota@wsl.ch URL: http:/shivadevkota.blogspot.com/
PhD Scholar, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, WSL, Zurich, Switzerland
Theme: Conservation Biology
Working Sites :
Manaslu Conservation Area, Kanchenjunga Conservation Area, Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal
Manaslu Conservation Area, Kanchenjunga Conservation Area, Sagarmatha National Park, Nepal
Prof Dr. Christoph Scheidegger, WSL, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Ram Prasad Chaudhary, Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
Dr. Silke Werth, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Iceland, Iceland
Prof Dr. Christoph Scheidegger, WSL, Switzerland
Prof. Dr. Ram Prasad Chaudhary, Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal
Dr. Silke Werth, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, University of Iceland, Iceland
Funding Agency: Swiss National Science Foundation
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M.A. Anthropology (T.U./Nepal) Tri Chandra Multiple Campus, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal (2006). (Dissertation: Contribution of Forest Resources: Reflection on Management Perspectives)
M.Sc. Botany (T.U./Nepal) Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal (2003). (Dissertation: Mushrooms Diversity in Lumle (Kaski) and Study of Clavariales from Lumle and Vicinity of Kathmandu Valley, Nepal)
One Year B.Ed. Health Education (T.U) from Central Department of Education, Kirtipur, Kathmandu. (2005)
Written English (T.U.) College of International Languages, Exhibition Road, Kathmandu, Nepal.
Academic and Professional Research Experience
© Teaching Assistant in Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Nepal. (July 2007- present days).
© Researcher Biodiversity and Livelihood Development in Land-use gradients in an Era of Climate Change – The collaborative project between Central Department of Botany, TU and Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, WSL, Zurich, Switzerland (2011-2013).
© Principal Investigator/ Mycologist in a research project "Exploration and Potentiality of Truffels Mushrooms in Nepal Himalayas". Funded by Truffelkonotor GmbH, Germany (Jan 2011).
© Secretariat – International Conference on Biodiversity, Livelihood and Climate Change in the Himalayas (December 12-14, 2010: Kathmandu, Nepal). Organized by Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University, Kirtipur, Kathmandu, Co-organized by Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, Ministry of Environment, and Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives. (May 2010 – December, 2010)
© Principal Investigator/Mycologist / Sociologist in a research project " Trade and Traditional Utilization of Lichens (Jhyauu) in Mid-Western and Far-Western Parts of Nepal Himalaya" Funded by Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, WSL, Zurich, Switzerland. (August 2010 – January 2011).
© Researcher / Mycologist in a research project "Biodiversity Conservation in Community Forests of Nepal: A case study of Dhading district". Funded by University Grants Commission (UGC), Nepal. (Jan 2010 – June 2011).
© Research Associate in a collaborative research project "Phylogeography and Conservation Biology of Lobaria in Langtang National Park" between Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu and Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, WSL, Switzerland. Received extensive training on molecular works and on different perspective of Conservation Biology in Switzerland under the close supervision of Prof. Dr. Christoph Scheidegger, Head of Research Unit Biodiversity and Conservation Biology, WSL (Sep 2009 – Dec 2009).
© Principal Investigator/ Mycologist in a research "Study of Wild Mushrooms and their Contribution to Livelihoods in Langtang National Park of Nepal". Funded by University Grants Commission(UGC), Nepal (2009)
© Research officer / Biologist / Sociologist in a project "Livelihood Enhancement through Commercialization of Valuable medicinal plants and other Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFPs). Jointly implementing project of SAFE-Concern, Kathmandu and MAPPA /ICIMOD (Oct 2006 – Sep 2008).
© Researcher / Sociologist and Anthropologist in a project "Vulnerability Assessment and Formulation of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Langtang National Park and Buffer Zone". Jointly implementing project of SAFE-Concern, Kathmandu and WWF Nepal Program (May 2008 – July 2008).
© Principal researcher / Biologist in a project "Ethnoecology, Regeneration Pattern, Collection Techniques and Trade of Yarsagumba (Cordyceps sinensis): In Dolpa Region of Nepal". Jointly implementing project of SAFE-Concern, Kathmandu and WWF Nepal Program (May 2006 – Sep 2007).
© Research Assistant / Mycologist in a project “Community Forestry and Integrating Biodiversity of Nepal” to conduct Ethnomycological (Uses of Wild mushrooms) survey in 16 different districts of Nepal. Project was supported by The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL), Denmark (July 2005 – April 2006).
© Research Assistant / Biologist in IUCN _ Nepal under the project “Building Capacity to protect Biodiversity and Indigenous Rights through Documentation and Registration of Traditional Knowledge in Nepal” jointly implemented project of the Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation (MoFSC) and IUCN-Nepal working among the Gurung community of Dhampus, Kaski. (Oct-Dec, 2004).
© “Research and Development Project Formulation” Organized by Nepal Academy of Science and Technology (NAST). (Kathmandu, October 5 – 7, 2010).
© "GIS/RS Application in Natural Resource Management" Organized by Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University and Delivered by Asso.Prof. Dr. John D All, Western Kentuky University, USA. (Kathmandu, Feb 24 – March 5, 2010).- Secured Top position among the 35 participants.
© Regional Training on "Biodiversity Management and Climate Change". Organized by ICIMOD (Kathmandu, Nepal, March 20-31, 2010).
© "Mushrooms Cultivation Technology for Trainers (TOT)" organized by Center for Agricultural Technology (CAT) with main focused on mushrooms like Oyster (Pleurotus sp.), Button (Agaricus bisporus), Straw (Volvariella volvaceae) and Shiitake (Lentinus edodes) (Kathmandu, 4 -9 March, 2007).
© "Preparatory Proposal Writing Seminar", organized by Social Inclusion Research Fund (SIRF)/ SNV Nepal and Social Science Baha (Kathmandu, 22 February, 2007).
© "Basic Facilitation Skills Training" conducted by ICA (Institute of Cultural Affairs) Nepal and Taiwan: Member of ICA International, Canada (Kathmandu, 14-16 February, 2007)
© “Briquette Making Training” conducted by Socio Economic, Agro Forestry and Environment (SAFE) Concern. (Kathmandu, 1-2 December, 2006)
© "Fund Raising" Training organized by READ Nepal (Kathmandu, 23-25 March 2006)
© "Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge Documentation Training" organized by Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation and The World Conservation Union (IUCN-Nepal) (Pokhara, 25-29 September 2004).
© “Basic Disaster Management Training Programme”; Conducted by Community Based Disaster Preparedness Programme (CBDP), Nepal Red Cross Society, District Chapter, Kathmandu, (Kathmandu, 9-12 August 2004)
Founder and Chairman Lumle Welfare Foundation (LWF)
Executive member: The Mycology and Phytopathological Society, Nepal (MAPSON)
Member: Ethnobotanical Society of Nepal (ESON)
Member: The British Lichens Society (BLS)
Seminar (Oral) Presentations
Devkota, S., Scheidegger, C. 2012. Trade and Traditional Knowledge on Lichens in Nepal Himalayas. Paper presented in the “7th International Association for Lichenology Symposium” (Bangkok, Thailand, Jan 8-13, 2012).
Devkota, S. 2010. Cordyceps sinensis (Yasrsagumba) from Nepal Himalaya: Status, Threats and Management Strategies. Paper presented in the "2010 International Conference on Ophiocordyceps sinensis". Organized by Ministry of Agriculture and WWF China. (Xining, Qinghai Province, China, June 8-10, 2010).
Devkota, S. 2010. Achievements and Further Possibilities on Lichens Research: Experience from Langtang, Nepal and WSL, Switzerland. Paper presented in a Talk Program managed by Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University, Nepal. (March 17, 2010).
Devkota, S. 2010. Yarsagumba with Booming Craze: the Dolpa Experience. Paper presented in the first National Science Exhibition 2010. Organized by Students of Faculty of Science, Tribhuvan University, Nepal (Kathmandu, Nepal, 7-11 Feb, 2010)
Devkota, S. 2009. Caterpillar Mushrooms from the Nepal Himalaya: Myths and Reality. Paper presented in the seminar organized by Biodiversity and Conservation Biology, Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research, WSL, Switzerland. (Birmensdorf, Zurich, Dec 17, 2009)
Devkota, S. 2009. Nepalese Caterpillar Fungus in Tibet: Political and Social Scenario and Effects on Highlanders Livelihood. Presented in the international conference on “Sustainable Livelihoods in Tibetan Pastoral Areas – Global Change and Local Challenges (SLTPA). Organized by “SFB 586 Difference and integration” and “The Oriental Institute of Leipzig University”, Leipzig, Germany. (Martin- Luther University, Halle – Wittenberg, Germany, Dec 2-5, 2009)
Devkota, S. 2009. Socio-Economic Aspects of Yarchagunbu in Dolpa: Status, Priorities and Prospects for Management. National workshop organized by CIRRUS Consultant, Nepal (Kathmandu, 08, June 2008).
Devkota, S. 2008 Yarchagunbu (Cordyceps sinensis) in Dolpa, Western Nepal: Major Issues for Sustainable Management and Research Priorities. Fifth National Conference on Science and Technology," Organized by Nepal Academy for Science and Technology (NAST), Nepal (Kathmandu, 25-27, November 2008).
Devkota, S. 2007. The Himalayan Gold: Yarchagunbu [Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc.], Harvesting perspectives in Dolpo. Presented in the seminar on "Mycological Research and Mushroom production". Organized by the Mycological and Phytopathological Society, Nepal (MAPSON) (June 18, 2007: Kathmandu, Nepal).
Devkota, S. 2007. A Holistic Approach towards the Harvesting of Cordyceps sinensis in Remote Pastures of Dolpa, Nepal. Presented in the National Seminar on Sustainable use of Biological Resources With the special theme “Medicinal and Aromatic Plants”. Organized by the Ecological Society of Nepal (April 22-23, 2007: Pokhara, Nepal).
Devkota, S.; Tiwari, R.D.; Manandhar, V.K. and Adhikari, M.K. 2005. Clavariales from the Nepal Himalayas. Presented in the seminar on Biodiversity Conservation in Asia: Current Status and Future Perspectives, Organized by The Society for Conservation Biology, Asia section. (November 17-20, 2005: Kathmandu, Nepal).
Seminar (Poster) Presentations
Devkota, S. 2010. Photo-essay on Caterpillar Fungus (Cordyceps sinensis) from Dolpa. First National Science Exhibition 2010. Organized by Students of Faculty of Science, Tribhuvan University, Nepal (Kathmandu, Nepal, 7-11 Feb, 2010)
Christensen, M.; Devkota, S.; Bhattarai, S. & Larsen, H.O. 2006. Collection of Wild Edible Fungi in Nepal. Eighth International Mycological Congress. (Cairns, Australia Aug- 20-25, 2006)
Devkota, S.; Tiwari, R.D.; Manandhar, V.K. and Adhikari, M.K. 2005. Some Wild Mushrooms Collected from Lumle, Kaski, Nepal. Third National Botanical Conference: Conservation and Utilization of Plant Wealth of Nepal. Organized by Nepal Botanical Society (Kathmandu, Nepal, May 12 – 13, 2005).
P Publications
14. Devkota, S. 2010. Ophiocordyceps sinensis (Yarsagumba) from Nepal Himalaya: Status, Threats and Management Strategies. In, Cordyceps Resources and Environment (Zhang Ping Hao-wei ed.), Grassland Supervision Center by the Ministry of Agriculture, People`s Republic of China. pp. 91-108. doi:10.1111/j.1365-2699.2011.02596
13. Devkota, S. 2009. The fleshy fungi, Sparassis crispa (Basidiomycetes: Polyporales) from Nepal. Scientific World. 7(7): 94-95.
12. Devkota, S. 2009. The Frequency and Relationship of Flowering Plants on the Distribution Pattern of Ophiocordyceps sinensis (Yarchagunbu) in the Highlands of Dolpa District, Nepal. Banko Janakari (A journal of forestry information for Nepal.19 (1):29-36
11. Devkota, S. 2008. Distribution and Status of Highland Mushrooms: A Study from Dolpa, Nepal. Journal of Natural History Museum. 23 (51-59).
10. Christensen, M., Bhattarai, S., Devkota, S. and Larsen, H.O. 2008. Collection and Use of Wild Edible Fungi in Nepal. Economic Botany. By New York Botanical Garden Press, NY, USA 62(1) pp. 12-23.
9. Christensen, M., Devkota, S. and Bhattarai, S. 2008. Use of Wild Edible Mushrooms in the Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal. Journal of the Mycological and Phytopathological Society, Nepal. 1 (1-6).
8. Devkota, S. 2008. Approach towards the Harvesting of Cordyceps sinensis (Berk.) Sacc. in Pastures of Dolpa, Nepal. In: Medicinal Plants in Nepal: An Anthology of Contemporary Research. (eds. P.K Jha, S.B. Karmacharya, M.K.Chetri, C.B.Thapa and B.B. Shrestha). Ecological Sociey (ECOS), Kathmandu, Nepal. Pp. 90-96.
7. Devkota, S. and Shrestha, A. 2007. Translating Gender Mainstreaming into Action: An Approach towards the Management of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs) in Central Nepal. Presented in the regional workshop on "Mainstreaming gender in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Programmes." Organized by The Agriculture and Rural Income Diversification (ARID) / Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Programme in Asia (MAPPA) and Culture, Equity, Gender and Governance (CEGG) Programmes, International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) ( December 10-12, 2007: Kathmandu, Nepal).
6. Adhikari, M.K and Devkota, S. 2007. The Clavarioid Fungi of Nepal. Plant Resources Bulletin No. 28, Department of Plant Resources Kathmandu, Nepal. pp. 7-22.
5. Devkota, S. 2006. Yarsagumba [Cordyceps sinensis (Berk) Sacc.]; Traditional Utilization in Dolpa District, Western Nepal. Our Nature. (An International Biological Journal). 4 (48-52).
4. Pandey, N.; Devkota, S.; Christensen, M. and Budathoki, U. 2006. Use of Wild Mushrooms among the Tamangs of Nepal. Nepal Journal of Science and Technology.7 (96-104).
3. Adhikari, M.K.; Devkota, S. and Tiwari, R.D. 2005. Ethnomycological Knowledge on Uses of Wild Mushrooms in Western and Central Nepal. Our Nature. (An International Biological Journal). 4 (13-19).
2. Devkota, S.; Tiwari, R.D.; Manandhar, V.K. and Adhikari, M.K. 2005. A New Record of Ascobolus magnificus Dodge. from Lumle, Nepal Botanica Orientalis (Journal of Plant Science). 5 : 25.
1. Devkota, S.; Tiwari, R.D.; Manandhar, V.K. and Adhikari, M.K. 2005. Some Wild Mushrooms Collected from Lumle, Kaski, Nepal. In: Plant Resources Bulletin No. 26, Department of Plant Resources Kathmandu, Nepal. pp. 10-15.
Technical Reports
- Devkota, S., Parajuli, R., Mainali, J., Bhattrai, P., Poudel, S., & Parajuli, R. 2011. Exploration and Potentiality of Truffle Mushrooms in Nepal Himalaya. TrüffleKontor GmbH, Germany.
- Devkota, S. 2009 Study on Wild Mushrooms and their Contribution to Livelihoods in Langtang National Park of Nepal. University Grants Commission (UGC), Nepal.
- Shrestha, H.K., Khanal, B., Deo, R.K. and Devkota, S. 2008. "Vulnerability Assessment and Formulation of Climate Change Adaptation Strategies for Langtang National Park and Buffer Zone". [SAFE Concern and WWF Nepal Programme, Kathmandu, Nepal.
- Devkota, S. and Shrestha, A. 2007. Training Manual for Community based Monitoring of Yarchagunbu (Cordyceps sinensis (Berk) Sacc.) SAFE Concern and WWF Nepal Programme, Kathmandu, Nepal.
- Devkota, S. and Shrestha, A. 2007. Guidelines for the Sustainable Harvesting of Yarchagunbu (Cordyceps sinensis (Berk) Sacc.) in Dolpa District, North-West Nepal. SAFE Concern and WWF Nepal Programe, Kathmandu, Nepal.
- Devkota, S. and Shrestha, A. 2007. Ecology, Regeneration Pattern and Collection Techniques of Yarchagunbu (Cordyceps sinensis): Research in Dolpa, Western Nepal for Policy Recommendation. SAFE Concern and WWF Nepal Programme, Kathmandu, Nepal.
- Parajuli, D.P., Devkota, S. and Shrestha, A. 2006. A study on Ethno-ecology, Regeneration Pattern, Collection Techniques and Trade of Yarsagumba (Cordyceps sinensis): Research in Kangchenjunga Conservation Area and Dolpa Region of Nepal for Policy Recommendations. SAFE Concern and WWF Nepal Programe, Kathmandu, Nepal.
- IUCN Nepal, 2004. “Community Biodiversity Register (CBR)” of Gurung Community of Kaski District”.
Media Interviews
· Forty five minutes long interview in the program "Harit Sansaar" for Radio Barahi, Pokhara, about Yarchagunbu (Ophiocordyceps sinensis), and wild mushrooms of Nepal ( October 16, 2010).
· Interview for United States based Men`s Journal, A Mens Magazine published in New York by Wenner Media (Publishers of Rolling Stones) about Ophiocordyceps sinensis (Yarsagumba) of Nepal, its history of collection, uses, status and possible future scenario. (10 Dec, 2009).
· Interview in the documentary “Yarchagunbu” for Sagarmatha Television about field level scenario and experiences with Yarchagunbu (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) in the highland pastures of Dolpa (August 23, 2007).
· Forty five minutes long interview in the program "Aajaka Kura" for Radio Sagarmatha about Yarchagunbu (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) and wild mushrooms of Nepal ( July 17, 2007)
· Live interview from Dolpa in the program "Aajaka Kura" for Radio Sagarmatha about collection of Yarchagunbu (Ophiocordyceps sinensis) and scenario after snowstorm in Dolpa.(May 29, 2007)
· Short video interview in the program "Aakhi Jhyaal" for Avenuez Television about status of Ophiocordyceps sinensis in Dolpa. (Dolpa, April, 14, 2007).
Poplar Article
Devkota, Shiva 2009. Searching strange lives in the Himalayan Cloud: Researcher`s Experience from Helambu - Langtang Area, Nepal. Festival magazine. 6.
Devkota, Shiva 2009. Chyau Kasto Khaney, Kasto nakhaney? (= mushrooms, which to eat and which to omit ? Sadhana Health (magazine) (In Nepali) (Shrawan issue) 39-40.
Devkota, Shiva 2009. Stepping in Annapurna Base Camp: More than Mountains and Cultures. Festival magazine. 5(25-30).
Devkota, Shiva 2008. Yarchagunbu Festival at Dolpa. Festival magazine. 4(16-20).
Devkota, S. 2007. Yatra Yarchagunba (= Hunt for Yarchagunba). Kantipur-Koseli (The National Daily) (In Nepali) (14.07. 2007). 15 (146).
Devkota, Shiva 2007. Katei Tapailey khana lagnu bhayeko chyau bishalu ta hoena (= Beware with poisonous mushrooms). Manka Kura (magazine) (In Nepali) (Oct-Dec, 2007) 8:18
Devkota, Shiva 2008. Yarchagunba aarthat Himalayan Viagra (= Yarchagunbu or Himalayan Viagra). Manka Kura(Tri monthly magazine) (In Nepali) (Jan-March, 2008) 9:17
Devkota, Shiva 2007. Yarsagumba (Cordyceps sinensis): Reflection on Historical Perspectives. Society & Life. 13 (40- 41).
Thanks for your great information, the contents are quiet interesting.I will be waiting for your next post.
ReplyDeletejobs in life Sciences
Congratulations Sir!!